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Understand the best content to produce.


THRON Content Marketing is an additional module of THRON Platform and it allows you to:

  • Improve the impact of Content Strategy by measuring results. THRON's powerful Content Strategy dashboard enables you to understand which contents performed best for specific call-to-actions.  Allowing you to analyze which contents, topics, channels and targets influence conversions. Thanks to the support of THRON Content Marketing, you can develop and impact the outcome of your Storytelling.
  • Build interest profiles of anonymous visitors by leveraging content. THRON automatically tags content enabling you to easily analyze the behaviour of anonymous users.  With THRON you can understand user interests, know target qualification and discover the topics they prefer for specific channels, even for specific markets or region segmentations.
  • Discover how Content can support internal knowledge sharing. Know how your company content assets are being used and viewed. Track the performance of content usage and ensure relevant content is available to respective teams.  


Use Cases

THRON Content Marketing can be used to improve Content Strategy, to help the product management team analyze customer needs, and allow company management to know real company audience interests.


Business Benefits

THRON Content Marketing is a full scale solution to allow content marketers to have decision making power with a data-driven approach:

  • Real-time actionable insights. Verify if content is inline with user’s expectations.
  • Understand business drivers, and how content and users relate to your business. Use data and assets to achieve results.
  • Explore data from high level concepts, down to single content or user level.

Once THRON Content Marketing module has been activated in your platform, users with the appropriate permissions (which can be set via Passport), will be able to access the "Intelligence" section, a powerful console to monitor how your content is used, and what are the most relevant content for your business goals.

The Intelligence console is divided into three sections:

  • Dashboard
  • Analytics
  • Platform (we will not detail this section here since it is available along with the THRON Omnichannel DAM module).


Let's start from "Dashboard". It is a collection of panels showing trends for a specific time range and the comparison with the preceding period, giving you a global view on how your communication strategy is operating. Available panels are:

  • Content views: total number of content views in the selected period (last 7 days or last 30 days) and the trend according to the previous corresponding period (7 days or 30 days)
  • Most viewed content: for each content type you will be able to view the three most viewed content in the selected period (7 days or 30 days). Available information on such content is subject to its existence within the platform and to the access rights of the user watching the Dashboard: this is the reason why some content might appear as "Deleted/insufficient access rights".
  • Contacts: it is the total number of unique contacts who accessed your content in the selected period. By "unique" we mean that each contact (anonymous or not) is counted only one time, regardless the number of visualizations.
  • Mobile device views: it is the total number of visualizations performed by mobile devices in the selected period.
  • Social Channel views: it is the total number of visualizations performed on Social Networks in the selected period. Social networks are those available within the Shareboard of your content.
  • Trending countries: it shows the three countries from which the most views have been performed in the selected period.
  • Context: it shows the three contexts for which the most views have been performed in the selected period. Please note that when a context is not set for a specific sharing, each view on such sharing will correspond to an entry under the "Context not available" classification.
  • Content types:  it shows the three content types for which the most views have been performed in the selected period.



Analytics section is the "core" of THRON Intelligence. From this console you will be able to collect all the relevant information on your content and their usage.

All data illustrated in this console always refer to the time interval selected at the top of the console. You will be able to set the following time intervals:

  • Last 30 days
  • Last 7 days
  • Last day
  • Custom

Each time you change the time interval you will have to refresh data by hitting the "Filter" button. In the right side of this section you can see the last update of the collected data: it means that visualizations performed after that time are not yet ready to be displayed.

The first relevant information that you find within this section is the total number of visualizations and unique contacts in the selected period, and the relative trend:

Please note that each time you set new filters and hit the "Filter" button, these results will update according to the provided filters. To add filters you just have to identify the data of interest in the charts, select the relative checkbox and hit the "Filter" button. Let's have a closer look at available charts.

The first collection of charts refers to contacts-related data:

  • Views by contacts interests: This chart shows the breakdown of total views according to the interests of contacts, which are the tags of the TOPIC class linked to the contacts who performed views in the selected period. Make sure you do not misinterpret these information: the total sum of the percentages shown in this chart does not correspond to 100% of the views, this because each contact performing views in the selected period could be linked to more than one tag present in this list.
  • Views by contacts profile: This chart shows the breakdown of total views according to the profile of contacts, which are the tags of the TARGET class linked to the contacts who performed views in the selected period. Make sure you do not misinterpret these information: the total sum of the percentages shown in this chart does not correspond to 100% of the views, this because each contact performing views in the selected period could be linked to more than one tag present in this list.
  • Contact types: This chart illustrates the breakdown of total views in the selected period between anonymous contacts and profiled contacts.
  • Operating system: This chart illustrates the breakdown of total views in the selected period according to the operating system used to access content.
  • Domain: This chart illustrates the breakdown of total views in the selected period according to the domain used to access the content.
  • Context: This chart illustrates the breakdown of total views in the selected period according to the context defined for the specific shares from which contacts accessed your content. Please note that not setting a specific context for your shares will result in an entry on the "Context not available" for each performed view.
  • Geographic distribution: This chart shows the geographical distribution of the total views in the selected period.

The second collection of charts refers to content-related data:

  • Views by content topic: This chart shows the breakdown of total views according to the topics of content, which are the tags of the TOPIC class linked to the content which have been viewed in the selected period. Make sure you do not misinterpret these information: the total sum of the percentages shown in this chart does not correspond to 100% of the views, this because each content could be linked to more than one tag present in this list.
  • Views by content target: This chart shows the breakdown of total views according to the targets of content, which are the tags of the TARGET class linked to the content which have been viewed in the selected period. Make sure you do not misinterpret these information: the total sum of the percentages shown in this chart does not correspond to 100% of the views, this because each content could be linked to more than one tag present in this list.
  • Views by content type: This is the breakdown of total views made on content in the selected period according to their type.
  • Engagement: This is a representation of the content completion ratio, meaning that it illustrates the percentage of content viewed by your contacts.
  • Most visited content: This is a list of the most visited content in the selected period.

Filtering and drill-down

As mentioned above, each of the information presented in the charts can be combined with any other to filter global data and extract specific sub-sets of information: just select the checkboxes and hit the "Filter" button. Another relevant available feature is drill-down: by clicking on each chart you will be able to increase the level of detail on that specific information, extracting data up to the specific single tag or contact, or even content.

Application provided by: THRON S.p.A.


Website: www.thron.com

